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Resource Centres @ NIFT Mumbai

Rules & Regulations

  • A member, except a student, is registered for a year only. All students are registered for the duration of their courses only.


  • The membership cards are non-transferable. The member will be responsible for the use/misuse of his/her cards.


  • The member must notify any change of address, telephone numbers, and email ids.


  • A member can borrow only one book against the borrower’s card. If a member fails to pay the overdue fines, the borrower’s card will not be returned.


  • If a member fails to return an overdue book within 180 days from the due date three times the cost of the borrowed book and overdue fines will be deducted from the security deposit.


  • In case the member misplaces a borrower’s card or a borrowed book he/she must notify the Head Librarian in writing within a day of the loss. He/she will either replace the same title (same or latest edition) or pay three times the cost of the book with overdue fines. Fines for lost cards should also be paid for before new cards are issued.


  • Photocopying, photography, and scanning of forecasts and audio-visual materials are not permitted.


  • Personal books, periodicals, CDs, photoclippings, color cards, and fabric swatches should not be carried inside RC. Costumes and fashion accessories, not worn on person, are not allowed inside RC.


  • Personal bags, briefcases, camera kit, eatables, and drinks are not permitted inside RC. RC is not responsible for the loss of any belongings from the property counter or inside RC.


  • The staff of RC and the security guards can check all the belongings of a person or frisk anybody upon suspicion of carrying any unissued material. If any member/visitor is caught carrying any unissued material out of RC, he/she will pay a fine of Rs.1000.00 at the circulation counter. A member will be debarred for six months only. A student will be debarred from entering RC for a semester.


  • A member must clear all the dues before applying for renewal. All the cards i.e., the access card, the borrower’s card, and the forecast card, should be deposited at the time of renewal.


  • The security deposit will be refunded upon clearance of all dues. The application for a refund of the security deposit must be submitted along with a photocopy of the bank receipt and expired membership cards.

Contact Us

#9870748148 / 022-2774 7273
#-2774 7273
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